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Overview & Dueling Perspectives

West Acton Village Planned Streetscape

Do You Side With Polly Progress or Charlie Changeless?

George Kilmain


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West Acton Village, located on Massachusetts Avenue, is a historic district in Acton with homes, shops, schools, and other amenities. It's a mile from Kelley’s Corner commercial center. A recent proposel has been set afoot and this article aims to provide an overview of the proposal as well as two different perspectives. The plan consists of five objectives:

  1. Enhance pedestrian safety and connectivity in West Acton Village.
  2. Boost the economic health of the commercial district with better streetscapes.
  3. Establish a multi-modal link between West Acton Village and Kelley’s Corner.
  4. Enhance the village's entrances.
  5. Connect Paul Gates Elementary School with active transportation means.

To achieve these, the plan proposes:

  • Complete street recommendations for West Acton Village.
  • A conceptual streetscape plan for Massachusetts Avenue stretching from Arlington Street to True West Brewing.
  • A multi-modal connection plan for public feedback between West Acton Village and Kelley’s Corner.
  • Sidewalk completion, improved pedestrian crossings, and bike accommodations for village center streets.
  • Street modifications to promote safety, accessibility, and local identity through enhancements like improved sidewalks, lighting, benches, landscaping, and pocket parks.

The aim is to support local businesses and improve the overall village experience for both residents and visitors. Whats not to like? Well, read on!

Introducing Polly Progress, the Streetscape Supporter and Charlie Changeless, the Crusty Curmudgeon.

Polly has embraced the winds of change and is eagerly anticipating the fresh vibrancy the new plans promise. "New Streetscapes in West Acton? Yes please!" On the other hand, Charlie has seen many a change come and go, often with a skeptical eye. For Charlie, the streetscape plan is just another in a long line of unnecessary disruptions to the village's timeless charm.


  1. Enhance pedestrian safety and connectivity in West Acton Village.

    • Polly: "I've always loved the charm of West Acton Village, and improving pedestrian safety will make it even more welcoming. It's going to be great to walk around the village without worrying about the kids or having to cross busy streets. Plus, more connectivity means easier access to our favorite spots!"
    • Charlie: "Why fix what ain't broken? We've been walking around this village for years without any problems. All these 'improvements' will probably just mean more construction disruptions and unnecessary complications."
  2. Boost the economic health of the commercial district with better streetscapes.

    • Polly: "The village has so many quaint shops and businesses, and these streetscape improvements will surely make the area even more attractive. This can only mean good things for our local businesses, and I'm excited to see our commercial district thrive!"
    • Charlie: "All this fancy talk about 'streetscapes'. The village has its own charm without needing to doll it up. And who's going to pay for all this? Probably us taxpayers! I've been paying taxes my whole life here. For what, now? 'Streetscaps'!?"
  3. Establish a multi-modal link between West Acton Village and Kelley’s Corner.

    • Polly: "Having multiple ways to get between the Village and Kelley’s Corner? Fantastic! Whether I'm biking, walking, or taking public transport, this connection will make my commute or errand runs so much smoother. I've always wanted to try one of those e-scooters. Will there be e-scooters?"
    • Charlie: "Multi-modal? Sounds like a bunch of modern gibberish. I've been driving my car to Kelley’s Corner and back to West Acton for decades without any issues. Except that one time I got a flat. Anyway, we don't need no more traffic or strange contraptions cluttering up our roads."
  4. Enhance the village's entrances.

    • Polly: "A warm, welcoming entrance sets the tone for the entire village. Upgrading our entrances will not only give residents like me a sense of pride, but it will also make a great first impression on visitors."
    • Charlie: "Are you kidding me? Our village entrances have been the same for years, and there's nothing wrong with them. You come in you go out. Changing them is just a waste of time and money."
  5. Connect Paul Gates Elementary School with active transportation means.

    • Polly: "With kids attending Paul Gates, this is a big one for me! Knowing that they can get to school safely, whether walking or biking, gives me peace of mind. Plus, it's a great way to instill in them the value of physical activity and environmental consciousness."
    • Charlie: "Back in my day, we walked uphill both ways to school and we liked it. Kids these days have it too easy. And what's this 'active transportation' nonsense? Just another fad that'll pass."

While Polly and Charlie are two fictitious charecters I made using Chat GPT I wouldn't be surprised if they represent some of the voices having passionate discussions in our coffee shops, on street corners, and in homes throughout Acton.

It seems like a no-brainer to me. But so was the Pats beating the Giants in Superbowl XLII. What do you think about it? Do you side with Polly or Charlie? Let us know!

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