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Join the Adventure of Fiscal Discovery in Acton!

Acton 2025 Budget Vote: Engage in Your Community’s Financial Future

Current Proposals Might Raise Taxes

George Kilmain


Read more about local happenings in Acton

Hey, Actonites! Have you heard? Our little town is on a thrilling journey, and we've got front-row seats to the budget rollercoaster! 🎢

First off, let's talk about our current real estate taxes. We pay about 17% tax rate, among some of the highest in the state. And renters, you're part of this too – these taxes are like invisible roommates that contribute to your living expenses. It's like having a silent partner in your home financing, how cozy! Longmeadow and Heath are tops at almost 23%! Ok, back to Acton. We're iheartacton after all.

Now, hold onto your hats because our town's tax bill might just get a bit more 'taxing' (pun intended!). Acton is like the A-student in the class of comparable communities, standing tall at the top in terms of taxes as a percent of family earnings. We're overachievers, even in taxes!

For fiscal 2025, our town leaders are thinking of asking for a bit more – a ‘budgetary encore’, if you will. The Finance Committee of Acton, those financial wizards, have suggested an override of $4 million. In everyday terms, that’s just under a $1,000 increase per household. It's like adding a fancy coffee to your daily routine – but yearly, and for the town! Read about the Finance Committies point of view for 2024 here.

If the administration's crystal ball predictions come true, we might see an $11 million override. That's a $1,900 increase in the average tax bill. But hey, think of it as an investment in our town's future.

Don't worry, our leaders assure us they're just juggling some numbers and dealing with a few financial surprises. It's like playing budget Tetris – sometimes you have to rotate the blocks to make them fit.

Concerned about these changes? It's time to channel concerns and make your voice heard! Contact your town and school boards, and Financial Commitee. Share your thoughts like you’re the town’s sage advisor.

And here's the most exciting part – voting in the municipal election! It's like the town's own reality show, where your vote is the golden buzzer. Our leaders might have their own fan clubs and strategies, but remember, every vote counts. Even if you're just over 15, you could have a say. It's like being part of a secret society where your mission is to shape the future of Acton.

In this thrilling episode of "Budget Battles," don't believe the doomsday predictions. Just like families and corporations adjust their budgets, our town can too. We're all in this together, and Acton is more resilient than we think.

So, dear neighbors, let's make our votes count in this year's election.

Until next time, keep smiling and voting, Acton!

Finance Committee: https://www.acton-ma.gov/98/Finance-Committee

School Committee: https://www.abschools.org/school_committee

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Comments for Acton 2025 Budget Vote: Engage in Your Community’s Financial Future

David Lee on 2/24/2024 writes...

Proposition 2 1/2 is there to protect town residents from unreasonable tax increases and fiscal mismanagement. We cannot allow the school committee to continue spending money beyond their budget allowances set by the town. I urge everyone to show up and vote NO.

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